
Certificate Info

There are two classes of certificates available for this event: the Trail Companion certificate, and the Expedition Partner certificate.

Both certificates will be available to order once you have met the requirements for the certificate. You can check your progress on the My Progress page.

Certificates can be delivered either as an emailed PDF, or printed on high-quality paper and shipped. If you purchase a paper certificate, we will also send you the PDF version. Certificates are available for purchase through July 31st, 2025. PDF's will be emailed starting July 7th. Printed certificates will be mailed on August 23rd.

Purchases are only accepted through the website. Do not attempt to mail cash or a check to purchase a certificate.

Trail Companion

If one or more states have confirmed your contact, you will qualify to receive the Trail Companion certificate.

Trail Companion certificate sample

Expedition Partner

Once all 16 states have confirmed your qsos, you will be eligible to receive the Expedition Partner certificate.

Expedition Partner certificate sample